Universiteit Leiden

An elephant in Leiden Hansken


Contribution: Pichayapat Naisupap (PhD candidate)

Hansken, the very first elephant sent as a gift to the stadtholder by the Dutch East India Company in the 1630s, visited Leiden in 1641. She—yes, a female elephant—was also depicted by Rembrandt, who was born in Leiden. Thanks to the discovery by Michiel Roscam Abbing, we know from a letter by Casparus Barlaeus that she was in Leiden in 1641. He wrote: 'the elephant that can be seen here is now, as I understand, in Leiden.' The letter was written on October 5 of that year, just three days after October 3, the commemoration of the Relief of Leiden. So she probably took part in the festivities!

Languages and cultures


Unique diversity Languages and cultures

The coagulation lab


The coagulation lab

Kloksteeg 25


My old art history institute Kloksteeg 25

Mirai House


A home for Leiden stem cell researchers Mirai House


Studying with my mother

The chestnut tree of the Print Room


The chestnut tree of the Print Room


Research and innovation A university that looks towards the future

Carolus Clusius Garden


Carolus Clusius Garden

Professor Huib Drion


Courtroom of three students Professor Huib Drion

The Llama plushies


Cuddling during lectures The Llama plushies

Laboratory for Astrophysics


Ultra-high vacuum setups Laboratory for Astrophysics

Jan Hendrik Holwerda


Teacher and curator Jan Hendrik Holwerda

The Leiden quarter-hour


The Leiden quarter-hour


Particle physics and music history Studium Generale

With my father at the observatory


Peering at the moon With my father at the observatory

Professor Hans Daalder


My love of political science Professor Hans Daalder

The connection with the university


Across generations The connection with the university

TRIXY Center of Expertise


TRIXY Center of Expertise

My signature in the Sweat Room


As captain at the helm My signature in the Sweat Room

Herring heads in the Hortus


A 100-year-old family story Herring heads in the Hortus


Guardian angel Professor Erik Noach

NINO library


Treasures of a knowledge museum NINO library

Paul Ehrenfest


Paul Ehrenfest

3 October University


An integral part of the Relief of Leiden 3 October University

Leiden University in The Hague


Also a vibrant student city Leiden University in The Hague

The Bachelor's Open Days


Talking about the best study programme The Bachelor's Open Days



A close connection with physics teachers Contact.vwo


Magic lantern slides Lecture hall on Garenmarkt

Lizzy van Dorp


The first female Law student in Leiden Lizzy van Dorp

A Leiden family of academics


A Leiden family of academics

Victor de Stuers


Allebonneur! Victor de Stuers

De Kattekop university daycare centre


A second home De Kattekop university daycare centre

Law students in the Gorlaeus building


Casting pearls before swine Law students in the Gorlaeus building


Examples in drug development Douwe Breimer and Adam Cohen

LUMC Gallery


A unique exhibition space LUMC Gallery

Party among the tropical plants


Proud mother and sister Party among the tropical plants

The story of Jacobus Capitein


The story of Jacobus Capitein


Liberal Leiden

Professor Pieter Kooijmans


Listening in awe Professor Pieter Kooijmans

Critical thinking, clear writing


Critical thinking, clear writing

Groenesteeg Cemetery


Inspiring stories Groenesteeg Cemetery

Leiden Science Run


Leiden Science Run

A session in Strasbourg


Impressive course A session in Strasbourg

An unexpected graduation party


Café Barrera An unexpected graduation party

Leiden instrument makers school


Liquid helium Leiden instrument makers school

Bibliotheca Thysiana


Back in time Bibliotheca Thysiana


Student protests Herman Amptmeijer's demonstration

Involving the city's residents


A crash course in quantum Involving the city's residents

Mater Dei in Alma Mater


Love and care Mater Dei in Alma Mater