Universiteit Leiden


  1. Niels Stensen

    Leiden’s first geology star Niels Stensen


  2. The FooBar

    Memorable encounters The FooBar


  3. An unexpected graduation party

    Café Barrera An unexpected graduation party


  4. LUMC Gallery

    A unique exhibition space LUMC Gallery


  5. De Kattekop university daycare centre

    A second home De Kattekop university daycare centre


  6. The story of Jacobus Capitein

    The story of Jacobus Capitein


  7. Jan Hendrik Oort

    World-renowned astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort


  8. Contact.vwo

    A close connection with physics teachers Contact.vwo


  9. Party among the tropical plants

    Proud mother and sister Party among the tropical plants


  10. Critical thinking, clear writing

    Critical thinking, clear writing